On this day, December 2nd, 1986… I Ryo Hazuki do so swear that I will have my vengeance on the man who killed my father, the man I know only as Lan Di. I will leave this journal as a chronicle of my journey in the hopes that history will remember me, both the good and the bad. And when I have my vengeance, or die in the pursuit of it, history may judge me accordingly.

-Ryo Hazuki (Age 18)

Thursday, December 11, 1986

Dec 11th, 1986

[Start] Revengeance Fund: 1050¥

                I got up today and immediately sprung into action. I meditated in the dojo, preparing myself mentally for what I had to do today. I studied the map, tried my best to remember guard placements and routes, and committed it all to memory. I sparred with Fuku-san as a warm up, stomped his ass for fun.

                I went and fed the cat as per my usual routine. Naoyuki had the newest issue of jump so I got it off of him, I have no idea whats happening in my regular manga and it will take some time for me to catch up, but I’ll get over it. Today I’m meeting Chen, and I’m getting some answers God dammit.

                The day was otherwise uneventful. Played my home version of Space Harrier, called Nozomi. Did whatever would eat up time, and when I wasn’t doing that I was going over the map and the plan in my head again and again and again. Finally at about 430pm I made my way to the bus stop. Got down to the harbor about 530pm. Hung out and tried to look inconspicuous while hanging out down at the open harbor areas. While the guard shift may have changed, they may still have my description. So I needed to be careful. I waited until about 9pm when it was good and dark to make my move. The map served me well, as did my remembered guard routes, who knew a different batch of guards would take the same routes, but I won’t complain. I almost got caught twice, close calls both of them but I was able to duck into the shadows, and finally found it… Warehouse No. 8. I went in.

                The Warehouse was pretty big and was packed full of antiques and other junk that didn’t interest me. Upstairs next to the office door was a black board with the last half of Chen’s phone number on it, this was the place. Like an idiot I beat on the door asking if Chen was there, no response so I went down stairs to rifle through their things for something of value to compensate me for my time and all the trouble I went through. Found an antique plate, but wouldn’t you know it somebody had to call out and startle me and I dropped the dam thing.

                Gui Zhang is a big mother fucker, he dresses nice and has some broad square shoulders. I could probably whip his ass. But after he came down and we both took our fighting positions, ready to fuck this place up, a man in a red Chinese outfit called him off and descended the stairs, this was none other than Master Chen.

                Right off the bat he knew I was the one who had called the day before, I told him who I was and what business I had with him, he asked to see the Chinese letter, and confirmed its validity. No fight for Gui Zhang tonite. I told him of my father’s death at the hands of Lan Di, Chen told me he knew of Lan Di and gave me more information than I thought I’d find. Lan Di is  memer of the Triads, but he runs his own organization, and they are some bad mother fuckers, he is also notorious for using a unique style designed for max damage and killing blows. No doubt about it, this was the Lan Di who killed my father. A good thing too, I mean god forbid there are other men named Lan Di out there, I don’t want to kill the wrong one. Judah Lan Di is just sitting there on his couch watching cartoons, when all of a sudden an angry Japanese teen flies in through his window and crushes his wind pipe with a round house kick, no way, I’m not about that.

                Master Chen seemed interested in the thing Lan Di took from my father, a stone mirror with a dragon design. Chen described it to me perfectly. He said it was unfortunate that Lan Di took it, but he then asked me about the other mirror. I had no idea what he was talking about, and I told him as much. I was copying down whatever I could from him into my notebook for further study and review. Finally I asked about the mirrors, he said Dad and some Zhou character brought them back from china, and they were super valuable and important.

                So Dad in his youth, smuggled ancient Chinese artifacts of ridiculous value… the family bank account has got to be huge. Ine-san is definitely trying to rob me. Also we’ve been loaded this whole time, and Dad won’t budge for a bigger tv, a house with proper insulation and heating, or a goddam Famicom. I’m pretty pissed off about it, and I plan to do something about it. Even if petty, Dad’s ghost will dam sure know how pissed I am about all this.

                Master Chen told me that the second mirror, the ‘Phoenix Mirror’ is probably hidden somewhere in my house. I’m gonna find that fucker if it takes me the next week and a half to 2 weeks, any longer than that and it’s probably not there or already been sold by Ine-san for whatever nefarious plans she has for my family’s money… MY money. I’m gonna get that bitch.

                I was told to return as soon as I find it, but to call in advance before coming, I assume they’ll make arrangements with the guards to let me in if they know I’m coming from now on. They dam sure better, because I am not losing my allowance again over this shit. That’s crap! At least Master Chen and Gui Zhang gave me a ride home, made it home before 11, no scolding or punishment for me. Gonna tear this house apart tomorrow, gonna find this dam mirror.

                I have to say though, for a little over a week, I’ve mad surprising progress in my investigation. I’m pretty pleased with myself. I went from having nothing but a description of Lan Di, his name, and he was in a car… to knowing just who he is, who he works for, what he wants, and why he killed my father. With this Mirror, I might also have a method of getting to him. Now I just need to buy a gun. Or use that family sword, either way he’s gonna die before this is all over.

[End] Revengeance Fund: 820¥

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