On this day, December 2nd, 1986… I Ryo Hazuki do so swear that I will have my vengeance on the man who killed my father, the man I know only as Lan Di. I will leave this journal as a chronicle of my journey in the hopes that history will remember me, both the good and the bad. And when I have my vengeance, or die in the pursuit of it, history may judge me accordingly.

-Ryo Hazuki (Age 18)

Wednesday, December 3, 1986

Dec 3rd, 1986

                Well today started off okay I guess. Not exactly a strong first day in my quest for Vengenace. Ine-san and Fuku-san were deeply affected by my father’s death, Ine-san especially… because for my allowance she is giving me a daily allowance of 500¥. Are you serious? Ine-san come on, you can’t expect me to live off of 500¥ a day, that’s ludicrous. So starting off on my road to revenge I have a revenge budget of 10,500¥.

                I told Fuku-san of my intentions to seek revenge. That was a mistake. I like Fuku-san, he’s a decent guy, and its really fun to play jokes on him, he’s kind of dumb like that. But he was pretty bummed out and the first thing he shouts is “TAKE ME WITH YOU RYO-SAN!” and I’m like “Dude you need to calm the fuck down.” I mean I appreciate the thought but its kind of a personal revenge quest, and I need to do it on my own, ok who am I bullshitting, the truth is that he’s older than me and I can still whip his ass, Lan Di killed dad with a single double-palm thrust, I don’t need to be responsible for him. Fuck that.

                Well my one and only clue that I have to go on besides a description of Lan Di and a memory of everything he said to my father, is that he and his goons were riding in a Black Sedan, and since the only vehicles I know between here and Dobuita are a Taxi cab that I never see move, a couple of mopeds, and the sweet motorcycle belonging to my friend Naoyuki, I’m sure somebody saw something.

                Thus I ventured into town, that is to say I walked a short ways down the street, helped an annoying kid feed a stray cat she was raising, she wants me to come up with a name for it, and while I didn’t say this outloud, I’m thinking like ‘Its your dam cat, why the hel do I have to name it. Hello your name is cat go away.’ But gotta be polite, gotta be polite.

                So while looking for anyone who knew anything about the car I wound up talking to the neighborhood Gossip, Mishima-san. Whole lot of ugly on her, and yet somehow she knows all the comings and goings of everything going on in from Yamanose to Dobuita market, which I suspect is either because you can walk from one end to the other inside of 20minutes, or because she runs an underground information brokering organization undertaking secret wars against the local Yakuza. I’m sure it’s the former, but still, I like my version better. I mean, hell I’d pay money to see that movie.

                Helped an old lady find the Yamamoto residence, no clue who she was, figured some positive Karma could only help me on my journey. So I immediately went over to the Capsule machine in front of the candy store, and this is where I kind of fell into my old routines. Blew through my entire daily allowance on capsule toys, got a Sonic, a Knuckles, and some bouncy balls, which I still call bullshit on. I WANT THAT METAL SONIC GODDAMIT! And a soda and a couple candy bars. So 700¥ later I’m back on the case, I head into Dobuita looking for clues, discover a fortune telling shop I had no idea was there. Apparently the future is unreadable, thanks, but my lucky number is 6. That was 600¥ well spent.

                I hung out with Tom for a bit. He’s a jolly mother fucker and always cheers me up. But as I wandered around the Market wondering what I should do, at about 1pm I walked into You Arcade, about 500¥ and a 9hrs later I finally walk out. They got these new games, QTE series or something, I don’t know. But I really got into them and was determined to get the ultimate once and forever high score. And I was dam good at it. You got to be to make that 500¥ last dam near half a day.

                So what have I learned today about the man who killed my father… he drove in a black car, after killing my father he sped away. Which of course would stick out because I don’t know about anyone else but when I kill someone in cold blood I like to leisurely walk away from the scene twirling a little cane. Also I blew through 2300¥ of my revenge budget on goofy shit.
                     I will admit I am not off to a great start, as unforeseen delays continue to pop up. Dad, if you’re up there, it’s gonna be awhile, so I hope they’re not holding you up in a heavenly waiting room or something until vengeance is done.

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