On this day, December 2nd, 1986… I Ryo Hazuki do so swear that I will have my vengeance on the man who killed my father, the man I know only as Lan Di. I will leave this journal as a chronicle of my journey in the hopes that history will remember me, both the good and the bad. And when I have my vengeance, or die in the pursuit of it, history may judge me accordingly.

-Ryo Hazuki (Age 18)

Thursday, December 4, 1986

Dec 4th, 1986

                Maybe I didn’t start off to good today. First, the fact that I am now the owner of this property, the dojo, and everything here in, I think its bullshit that I don’t have access to the family accounts and must instead live off of a daily allowance of 500¥. So I went snooping around the house trying to find either a stash of cash left by dad, or wherever the hell Ine-san keeps the cash she gives me everyday. I mean she can’t be going to the bank every goddam day. I came up with nothing. I found a game system that Fuku-san bought, naturally his ass its too dumb to buy any games for it. Clearly this game system is intended for looking at and not actually playing with.

                Speaking of Fuku-san, I found him practicing in the dojo today, and the guy is so inept that he injured himself while performing a hand strike… in the air. As if he attacked the air, and the air got so pissed at him that it punched him in the kidney, at least that’s what I figure based on how he reacted. So he said he wants to start sparring with me. Sure, I guess I can knock him around every once in a while, could be fun.

                So I kept exploring the house, said a prayer to dad at the shrine before searching the shrine area for anything of value that wouldn’t be missed, came up with candles and matches. What the fuck do I do with these? So going into my father’s bedroom, I found the whole room to be rather Spartan compared to where I sleep. I get a bed and a desk with a chair, he apparently slept on the floor with a futon, and had a knee high table he sat in front of. Well while pilfering through his things looking for a wad of cash or his will so I can take over the family bank account, I discovered a letter from him which kind of perplexed me. The jist of it was, “Find your own path, see it through to the end, feel the force flow through you.” I dunno, to me it sounds like he was expecting Lan Di and his goons and didn’t expect to come out alive.

                Called Nozomi today, dunno why just felt like it. Sure she has the personality of a grape fruit but good god those legs in that tiny skirt, and a turtleneck sweater… but she asked to meet me, and I’m like, “Whatever, your place or mine?” So I’m making my way down the road that nobody drives on and as I round a corner like 4 kids sit there and kick soccerballs at me. Thankfully years of martial arts training in addition to just being a badass have given me catlike reflexes, I dodged it easily, and threatened them to never do it again.

                Pissed away more money on the capsule machine today. I gotta stop doing it, but I just can’t help it, the figures are so colorful and well detailed. Reminds me of the plastic Gundam model kits dad used to get me, that Ine-san threw out. But anyways I should probably start keeping track of how much money I have at the start of each day vs what I finish out with. Maybe this will get my spending habits under control.

                I continued asking about the black car that Lan Di was in, since it’s the only piece of information I have at this point, and I finally got something else… Nozomi was apparently splashed with mud by it as it sped by. Which is about as useful as any of the other info I’ve acquired by this point, which is as follows: Car sped off, recklessly, hit a cat, almost ran over old man Yamagishi, and splashed mud on Nozomi, also it was black. I’ve got to be real honest, for 2 days of investigating I really expected to have more than “There was a black car and it sped away.”

                So I finally get to the flourist shop where Nozomi works, she’s standing out front in her tiny skirt, those sweet legs exposed to the world, and anyway I ask her about the car, and I can’t believe what she tells me… “Well it was black, and it looked like a car you typically don’t see around here. A luxury car.” Holding back the frustration that I’m sure made an eye twitch as her information is essentially useless and tells me that on top of having little personality, she’s also dumb. Great, guess god had to compensate or something to balance her out, hot but dumb. Whatever, she mentions that she saw the guys in the car arguing with Tom. And I’m like hold the fuck up, Tom? That mother fucker didn’t mention shit about this yesterday, so I went to go see Tom.

                Tom said they almost ran down one of his customers, to which I told him I didn’t care, and needed to know about them. I didn’t ask why he didn’t tell me because it wasn’t important, I figured this would be a lead. What was the great bit of information that Tom gave me? The new bit of information about Lan Di, the man with a Chinese name, wearing Chinese silk garb, mentioning a Chinese place by name as a place he knew my father from… “I think they were Chinese.” So I smashed my head into his hotdog cart a few times to regain my composure. Probably not wise but it certainly made me feel better.

                So Tom points me across the street to a travel agency where Chinese people frequent, says I might be able to find out more about Chinese there. This is only the second day of my revenge quest and I am already questioning the worth of the effort I’m putting out. Sorry dad, but now instead of no leads I got… next to no leads. Well I went in the travel agency, and he told me that if I wanted to know about Chinese people I should try going to the Chinese Restaurant. So after I banged my head on his wall for a few minutes, I then left quickly before he made me pay for the hole in his wall out of my revenge fund.

                I did better today. I went to You Arcade and only spent about 200¥ on 2 games of Hang On. Did ok, not great. But it helped me recenter myself so I could focus on the task at hand. I went to the Chinese Restaurant, and asked about Chinese people in the area, maybe there is someone here who knows something that could point me in the direction of Lan Di, who knows. Well the old man who runs the place, who is the head of the Dobuita Chinese Society, tells me he doesn’t know a lot of the Chinese people in the area. So after I finished banging my head on his walls, he tells me I should pursue something called the “Three Blades.” Apparently it refers to trades that Chinese immigrants learn before coming here. It seems China has an excess of cooks, tailors, and barbers, as they keep going everywhere else to set up shop.

                I’m gonna look into the Three Blades tomorrow. But in an unrelated note, the local girl Megumi who was taking care of the stray cat, did not show up to take care of the cat today, which means that since I’m the only other one who seems to know about it, I’m stuck doing it. Wonderful. Now I gotta pay to feed it. I’m not gonna let a kitten starve to death, sure I’m an asshole for making it sleep outside in a box, but I’m not gonna let him starve. Well shit.

                The only other thing of note to mention from today is, while snooping around in my dad’s room I found an old key I’ve never seen before. I looked around the property and just before bed I found that it opens up a locked box in the dojo containing an old Katana. Y’know Lan Di used hand to hand techniques, and his goons were unarmed, maybe dad wouldn’t be dead if he had a fucking sword on him when they showed up. But you know what they say about Hindsight.

                At this rate I’ll be broke by the end of the week, and my Revengence will be canceled due to a lack of funds. Maybe I should get a job, I dunno.

                Here’s hoping this Three Blades thing pans out into something, anything.

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